I Have Arrived!

Hi all. It’s finally happened! I am finally here in Liverpool. It has been a wild few weeks for me, but I am thankful to be here and settling in. My fellow YASCer, Charlotte, and I arrived early on April 9th, and were warmly welcomed by our site supervisor Mal, and our new housemates, Sam and Ian. They kept us quite busy all weekend. We had a tour of the cathedral, and were introduced to many people before having a little tour of the city. We were even treated to the real Liverpool experience of watching an intense football (soccer) match in a pub. I had my first service in the cathedral on Sunday, and it was lovely. The choir was probably my favorite part! 

I was able to do a little more exploring before testing positive for COVID on Tuesday, April 12th. I started isolating in my room, and watched loads of Netflix for ten days. The isolation pushed me to completely unpack, which would have been a much longer process without the isolation because I am a procrastinator! As I try to look for a silver lining in this COVID experience, I have been pointing this fact out quite a bit lol.  My case has been super mild, and though the first few days I was quite lethargic, I do not have any symptoms remaining. I am thankful that I have been fully vaccinated, because I know without the vaccination, my case would have been much worse.

I am eager to start my work here this week, and will be involved in a lot of introductory meetings for my placements. In my next blog post, I will be able to give an overview of the work I will be doing, because all the details will be ironed out.

It is also quite exciting to now be able to go out and explore Liverpool a bit. I have tried a few different restaurants, and all the food has been delicious. Knowing me, food will be involved in all my explorations. My housemates have been wonderful, and have already shown me lots of places to try.

I appreciate all the continued prayers and support. Talk soon!

Here is the link to donate! 


Select "give online" and then write Cunningham YASC in the memo box.



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