Coming Up With a Name is Hard, Innit?

Hi all! Thank you for visiting my new blog! I’m super excited to start documenting this experience. I

thought it would be a good idea to start by explaining the name of my blog.

It took me a while to come up with the name, as I wanted to have something meaningful that fit me but

also involved Liverpool. I started by looking up slang that people in Liverpool, or Scousers, use. I found

“Come ‘ed.” “Come ‘ed” is slang for “come along,” and I thought that was perfect, because I would like

you to come along on this journey with me. 

The second part of the name “Come into this” comes from one of my favorite poems and poets. The poem, written by Anis Mojgani, is called Come Closer (watch here). I love this poem because of the incredible imagery that Mojgani uses. He talks about finding a way to walk through your fear and that we make our Lord happy. I think both of these statements are vital to remember in everyday life, but especially in church and mission work.

The process of being sent on a mission is intimidating, and definitely can provoke fear and apprehension. However, I know that fear can be a healthy thing and that I have so many people supporting me. I am confident that you all will help me walk through this fear. The other line of this poem that I mentioned, that we make our Lord happy, is something I find helpful, because sometimes I need a reminder of that. I need to remember that I was created in joy and with love, and that part of my job on this earth is to share that joy and love with others. Sharing joy and love is largely why I am going on this journey.

Thank you for joining me! Talk soon!

If you feel so inclined, here is the link to donate! 

Select "give online" and then write Cunningham YASC in the memo box.


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